
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is about the cool butch dyke who runs this site. For other uses see Bramble (disambiguation).

a sea otter
This is what I look like irl

Hello! I'm bramble, I'm in my mid-20s, and I use they/them pronouns. I thought it would be funny to make my about page a spoof Wikipedia article, but I'm now realising how much text that involves writing and regretting the choice. Alas, I remain committed to the bit.

I'm a mostly aquatic creature - a sea otter, a snipe, or a newt depending on who you ask. I love marshes, fens, mountains, and seascapes - I'm a sailor, wild swimmer, surfer, kayaker, frolicker, etc...and a PhD student writing a weird thesis about rivers, geology, and environmental humanities. It's fun!

This site is mostly for me to hang out on - I wanted somewhere to share things I've enjoyed making or doing, and I am sick of the social media panopticon. I wanted to build myself a little online home, you know?! I also happen to love coding in HTML/CSS - I learned as a kid back on the wattpad forums (LOL) and I'm thrilled to be back at it again. As a fellow neocities enjoyer, I'm sure you relate to some or all of this.

What should you expect from my little corner of the internet? Unclear as of yet, but offline I make zines, collages, and other fun stuff. I also take photos on film, and I write silly poems and sillier non-fiction prose sometimes. I'll probably do some blogging too, because I love to talk about myself. As much as I enjoy doing social media ironic detachment, I think a lot of the charm of the "old web" (or at least the parts of it people are nostalgic for) was to do with its sincerity, so I'll be taking a more straightforwardly honest tone with the things I make here than I would in other online spaces. It's literally neocities, I'm here to say something beautiful and true.

Please make yourself at home here - stay as long as you like. I'll put the kettle on!

Woah! check out this header

I guess I already introduced myself, but the thing about a Wikipedia article is it kind of requires more text than that. I'm just gonna tell you some Wikipedia-themed fun facts, as a bit of padding. Enjoy!

First of all, one of my new year's resolutions this year was to edit a wikipedia article. Check, I guess! Does this count? Leave your answer on a postcard (or in my guestbook, once I get that up and running). No for real, I'd like to edit an actual one too. I have a lot of respect for Wikipedia editors and their commitment to open-sourced knowledge. Being trapped in the academic-industrial complex is absolutely driving home to me how important resources like Wikipedia are. Much love to you, wiki editors of the world!

Another more personal one! I actually named myself after Bramble Bank, a large navigational hazard in the River Solent (we must allow strange trans people their incredibly niche names). Anyway, while making this page I ended up on the Wikipedia article for Bramble Bank for the first time ever, and it turns out that two rival sailing clubs play an annual cricket match on the sandbank when it is exposed at low tide. Because it's really tricky to play cricket on a sandbank, they just take it in turns to "win" the match, and don't actually score any of the games. I love this fact more than I can really express. It reminds me a lot of 17776, the most incredible work of fiction I've read in my life. If there's one thing my lil website makes you do, it should be reading 17776. Promise it'll change your life.

I think this is enough padding, so if you want to know more about me I suppose you'll have to browse around the rest of the site. Great meeting you, chat soon!